Friday, August 17, 2012

Flock - Photos Together tops iOS Apps of the Week

This week’s top iOS apps might seem like a rerun, thanks to Flock’s feature set sounding suspiciously similar to last week’s favorite, Vyclone. But sometimes a good idea is worth repeating. The rest of our top apps veer off into all sorts of other territories like hailing taxis, sharing videos and creating visual diagrams of the things you love. Enjoy!

In the same way that Vyclone took videos from multiple sources to combine them into one video, Flock takes photos featuring the same people and combines them into one album. Photos can be taken with any photo app while Flock works in the background sending out notifications when you have photos that your Flock-using friends also appear in. Users can choose which photos they want Flock to have access to and then can quickly combine their photos with their friends’ pics into one handy album.

Taxi Magic has been streamlining the art of securing a taxi at the end of the night for a while now, and the app’s latest update shouldn’t do anything to stop its momentum. Users can now schedule pick-ups in advance so they’re not waiting around at the end of an evening for a taxi they’ve ordered. Taxi tracking has also been updated to provide faster updates. Users can now also save their favorite taxi fleets to make sure they get the kind of ride to which they’re accustomed.

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Showyou, a video sharing website that lets users view videos from their friends on Facebook and Twitter, has been given a total facelift in its latest update. The layout has been made more user friendly, while all of Showyou’s core features remain. Users can still check out videos their friends have uploaded to social networks, and can still easily share videos posted on Showyou quickly through those same networks. With an index of over 50 million videos, there’s plenty to check out whether you’ve had Showyou for a while or are just getting on board.

Another app featuring a big re-design, Stamped, the social recommendations app, has some excellent new features worth showing off. The biggest addition is “The Guide” a visual representation of the best things your friends are stamping. Stamped now also features a “Tastemakers” tab so you can see what celebrities are stamping. And Stamped now integrates seamlessly with iTunes, Rdio, Spotify, Netflix, Fandango, Amazon and OpenTable so you can take advantage of those sites’ various features right in the Stamped app.

Pearltrees lets users create a visual representation (a tree of pearls, in this case) of all of their interests. Users can “pearl” web sites, photos, notes and other assorted media. Pearltrees can also be accessed offline, so you won’t need Internet access to check out your own tree at any given time. Of course, there’s also a sharing component to Pearltrees – users can share their tree at any time and also grab ideas from other trees in the app’s community.

View the original article here


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